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TWC Podcast, Episode 23: The buzzword meter is off the charts

TWC Podcast, Episode 23: The buzzword meter is off the charts

By Phil Royle – July 15, 2021

Co-hosts Phil Royle and Edward A. Sanchez meet up in person between podcast recordings, and Model 3 charging shenanigans ensue. Which leads to the question: How efficient of a driver is Ed? Apparently not as efficient as the drivers of a Ford Mustang Mach-E or Lightyear One, both of which recently bested 6 miles/kW under very specific circumstances. Beyond that, Ed and Phil discuss Stellantis EV Day, VW New Auto (whatever that means), the real rebirth of the VW Bus, handicap accessible EVs (or the lack thereof), the rotary is dead (again), and more.

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BBC sets new record for average efficiency on length-of-Britain drive: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-57777588

Lightyear One averages 7.3 miles/kW in a recent test: https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1132843_lightyear-one-solar-ev-440-miles-with-less-battery-than-any-long-range-tesla

New AC system will reportedly increase EV range by 50%: https://insideevs.com/news/519703/ev-aircon-refrigerant-boosts-range/

Stellantis EV Day: https://www.thewattcar.com/home/stellantis-ev-day-2021-bold-claims-new-image

VW New Auto: https://www.volkswagen-newsroom.com/en/press-releases/new-auto-volkswagen-group-set-to-unleash-value-in-battery-electric-autonomous-mobility-world-7313

Herbert Diess sees ID.Buzz as key to brand’s revival in U.S: https://www.thedrive.com/news/41532/vw-wants-to-be-a-cultural-icon-again-with-the-id-buzz

VW and BMW hit with a $1 billion fine: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jul/08/eu-fines-vw-and-bmw-750m-for-colluding-with-daimler-on-fumes

The real rebirth of the VW Bus? https://www.motor1.com/news/518931/xbus-electric-van-truck-debut/

Are EVs unfriendly to people with disabilities? https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/2/22550853/electric-vehicles-disabled-wheelchair-conversion-battery

Mazda MX-30 with rotary range extender on hold: https://www.motor1.com/news/519421/mazda-rotary-range-extender-postponed/

Southern California Edison announces installation of 38,000 charge points in its service area in the next 5 years: https://energized.edison.com/stories/sce-launches-program-to-install-38-000-ev-chargers

EVgo acquires Recargo: https://www.evgo.com/press-release/evgo-and-recargo-join-forces-to-accelerate-ev-market-growth/

Music courtesy Twisterium at Pixabay.
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